Your Teachers

Miss Six
Hello, my name is Rebecca Six. I received my BA in Liberal Arts from Thomas Aquinas College. Through my liberal arts education I acquired a love of learning that not only motivated me in my efforts to assist students, but also inspired me to become a teacher. After many years volunteering my services to help teach others, I joined the Archway Lincoln faculty four years ago as an assistant teacher for First Grade and Second Grade. Last year, I stepped in to help Ms. Hampton in Mrs. Bagby’s Kindergarten class. I am enthusiastic to be a lead in First Grade this year. In the Great Hearts community, I was happy to find an exceptional group of people who all help each other to be the very best for the sake of the children entrusted to their care.

Mrs. Bell
Hello there!  This will be my fourth year as a TA at Archway Lincoln, third in 1st Grade. I studied both English and Art Education in college and have a love of reading and all things creative. I previously worked in Children’s Ministry and homeschooled my oldest children for their primary grades. I really love working with kids in this age group. It’s so exciting to watch them learn and grow. Not only academically, but as they have more opportunity to develop friendships, practice virtue, and become more independent.